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Personal Guaranty


We, [Name of Guarantors], residing at [Address of Guarantors] hereinafter "Guarantors", do hereby personally guarantee the performance of hereby personally guarantee the performance of [Description of debt] with regard to an agreement, hereinafter "Agreement", by and between [a copy of said Agreement being attached hereto as Exhibit "A"].

In the event that fails to make any payment to [Name of creditor], or fails to perform in any manner with regard to said Agreement between the two entities, the Guarantors do hereby promise to make all payments to in the same manner as if we were the principals of said Agreement.

And furthermore, the Guarantors do hereby authorize and empower any attorney of any court of record of the state of or elsewhere to appear for and to enter judgment against us, or any of us, in favor of [Name of creditor] for any sums due under the Agreement plus interest with costs of suit, release of errors, without stay of execution, and with [Percentage for attorney's fees] as a reasonable attorney's fee, and the Guarantors hereby waive and release all benefit and relief from any and all appraisement, stay or exemption laws of any state now in force or hereafter to be passed.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this personal guaranty is entered into this [Date of agreement].

Signature Date

Signature Date